OpenEP Electroanatomic Mapping Data Structure v1.0
Field name |
Description |
Size |
Userdata |
.systemName |
Name of the clinical system that was used for collecting the
clinical data |
.cartoFolder |
Absolute path to the original directory in which a Carto dataset
was unzipped. |
.velocityFolder |
Absolute path to the original directory in which a Velocity
dataset was unzipped. |
.precisionFolder |
Absolute path to the original directory in which a Precision
dataset was unzipped. |
.rhythmiaFolder |
Absolute path to the original directory in which a Rhythmia
dataset was unzipped. |
.electric |
.tags |
The physician-visible names of the points applied during the
clinical case. |
n points x 1 |
.names |
The internal names of the points used by the clinical
electroanatomic mapping system |
n points x 1 |
.electrodeNames_bip |
The names of the electrode pair recording the bipole electrogram
at each point |
n points x 1 |
.egmX |
The Cartesian co-ordinates of the mapping point |
n points x 3 |
.egm |
The recorded bipolar elecrtograms |
n points x egm duration |
.eletrodeNames_uni |
The names of the two unipole electrodes which make up the
bipolar electrode pair at each mapping point. |
n points x 2 |
.egmUniX |
The Cartesian co-ordinates of the two unipole electrodes which
make up the bipolar electrode pair at each mapping point. |
n points x 3 x 2 |
.egmUni |
The recorded unipolar electrograms |
n points x egm duration x 2 |
.egmRef |
The reference electrograms for each point |
n points x egm duration |
.ecg |
The surface electrocardiogram for each point |
n points x egm duration |
.sampleFrequency |
The sampling frequency of electrogrms in the dataset |
Integer (Hz) |
.annotations |
.woi |
The window of interest for each point relative to the reference
annotation |
n points x 2 |
.referenceAnnot |
The reference annotation for each point with one value each for
the start and end of the window |
n points x 1 |
.mapAnnot |
The local activation time annotation for each point relative to
the reference annotation |
n points x 1 |
.signalProps{1..m} |
Sub-field to contain data relating to each of m clinical
system-defined signal properties |
m signal properties |
.name |
Name of the clinical-system derived signal property metric (for
example CFAEMean) |
n points x 1 |
.value |
Value of the signal property for each of n points |
n points x 1 |
.propSettings |
String containing the user-defined settings used to create the
clinical system-derived signal properties, for example “peak amplitude,X;
temporal_spacing,Y” |
Variable length string |
.voltages |
.bipolar |
The bipolar voltage measured by the clinical mapping system for
each point |
n points x 1 |
.unipolar |
The unipolar voltage measured by the clinical mapping system for
each point |
n points x 1 |
.impedances |
.time |
Cell array of time values for impedance traces for each point |
1 x n points |
.time{n} |
Time values for impedance traces for point n |
Impedance trace duration x 1 |
.value |
Cell array of impedance values for for each point |
1 x n points |
.value{n} |
Impedance values for point n |
Impedance trace duration x 1 |
.egmSurfX |
The Cartesian co-ordinates of the mapping point, projected to
the closest point on the surface of the chamber |
n points x 3 |
.barDirection |
Surface normal for each mapping point |
n points x 3 |
.notes |
Cell array of notes relevant to the dataset |
>=1 x n notes |
.surface |
.triRep |
A Trirep object |
.X |
The Cartesian co-ordinates of the vertices in the surface mesh |
n vertices x 3 |
.Triangulation |
The vertex indices of each face in the surface mesh |
n faces x 3 |
.isVertexAtRim |
Logical array with true values indicating vertices that are on a
free boundary |
n vertices x 1 |
.act_bip |
Local activation time data (column 1) and bipolar voltage data
(column 2) from the clinical map |
n vertices x 2 |
.uni_imp_frc |
Unipolar voltage data (column 1), impedance data (column 2) and
force data (column 3) from the clinical map |
n vertices x 3 |
.signalMaps{1..n} |
Sub-field to contain data relating to each of m clinical
system-defined signal property maps |
m signal property maps |
.name |
Name of the clinical-system derived signal property map (for
example CFAEMean) |
Single string value |
.map |
Value of the signal properties at every point |
n points x 1 |
.propSettings |
String containing the user-defined settings used to create the
clinical system-derived signal properties, for example “peak amplitude,X; temporal_spacing,Y” |
Variable length string |
.rf |
Structure field to store manually acquired ablation site data |
.originaldata |
.force |
Force data |
.time |
Ablation time data |
n time intervals x 1 |
.force |
Contact force data |
n time intervals x 1 |
.axialangle |
Axial angle |
n time intervals x 1 |
.lateralangle |
Lateral angle |
n time intervals x 2 |
.position |
Cartesian co-ordinates |
n time intervals x 3 |
.ablparams |
Ablation data |
.time |
Ablation time data |
n time intervals x 1 |
.power |
Power |
n time intervals x 1 |
.impedance |
Impedance |
n time intervals x 1 |
.distaltemp |
Temperature |
n time intervals x 1 |
.rfindex |
Structure field to store automatically acquired ablation site
data |
.name |
.tag |
Structure field to store ablation tag data from the Carto3
Visitag module |
.X |
Cartesian co-ordinates of each tag |
n tag x 3 |
.time |
Time stamp of each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.avgForce |
Average force applied at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.maxTemp |
Maximum recorded catheter tip temperature at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.maxPower |
Maximum applied radiofrequency power at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.Impedance |
.baseImp |
Baseline impedance, in Ohms, recorded at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.impDrop |
Impedance drop, in Ohms, recorded at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.fti |
Force time integral calculated at each tag |
n tag x 1 |
.index |
.name |
Proprietary name of the calculated radiofrequency index |
String |
.value |
Value of the proprietary radiofrequency index |
n tag x 1 |
.grid |
Structure field to store grid data from the Carto3 Visitag
module |
n tag x 1 cell array containing m grid point x 1 array |
.X |
Cartesian co-ordinates of this grid point in the ablation
dataset [X, Y, Z] |
1 x 3 array |
.time |
Timeseries for this grid point |
n time intervals x 1 |
.index |
.name |
Proprietary name of the calculated radiofrequency index |
String |
.value |
Timeseries of the proprietary radiofrequency index |
n time intervals x 1 |
.impedance |
Impedance timeseries for this grid point, Ohms |
n time intervals x 1 |
.temperature |
Temperature timeseries for this grid point, C |
n time intervals x 1 |
.power |
Power timeseries for this grid point, W |
n time intervals x 1 |
.impedanceDrop |
Impedance drop timeseries for this grid point, Ohms |
n time intervals x 1 |
.force |
Force timeseries for this grid point, g |
n time intervals x 1 |